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KITE Corporation

From Official Streamlined Wiki

The KITE corporation was originally founded by Aldrecht Visser, in 1889 to harness wool and silk, to create kites, to sell as toys. This business was relatively profitable, as Aldrecht already owned various farms around the Voorlem region.

However, as multiple sources record, one day while Aldrecht was working in out in the North Sea to test various Kites, his boat hit a sandbar while near the Rossum Coast. When he struck it, it is said that black liquid spurted from the ground and out on the sea. Trying to cover it up, he realized that his hands were covered in oil. When the spurt stopped, he realized that the sand was black, and extended for far off into the horizon.

Beginnings (1910s - 1930s)

The storage plant at Hazeldrecht.

Starting off, he bought various drilling equiptment and set up a oil well and rig out by the coast. He sold off all of his farms to afford this, and hoped that this would make his business successful.

It did.

The typical KITE Corporation chemical's car.

He virtually went from a relatively poor man, to a millionaire overnight. Seeking on this, he decided to help his community out. He developed much of the "Streamlined" region's modern infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, and water. Opening various gas-works too, he provided electricity to the city of Dokmuiden and Voorlem, and upgraded infrastructure like the sewage system, and the fire department. Pouring money, he helped restore the St Catherine's church in the center of Voorlem, and planted the Dokmuiden Botanical Garden.

Throughout the 1920s Aldrecht Visser had amassed a large fortune, and donated much of it away constantly. He built the famous gas-works of Helmelo, and the storing plants of Dokmuiden. His company constantly grew, and during the 1930s he was growing old. Aldrecht had a son, Brandon Visser. Unlike Aldrecht, Brandon showed no interest in the business, and ignored everything that Aldrecht had taught him. This would eventually become the downfall...

Troubles: 1930s - 1940s

The KITE Corporation's (then new) refinery at Dokmuiden. Long has the days of small-scale oil burners gone, and now full-scale operations.

Young Brandon Visser did not share the same interest or enthusiasm as Aldrecht. Brandon, born spoiled by the mother to a life of wealth and luxury, wished to live off the back of his parents. When Aldrecht passed away in 1934, his last words were, "I may have lived a good life, and I hope that my legacy will live on. I will pray from above, that Brandon will continue it.".

Brandon, suddenly became the owner of the KITE corporation immediately, as stated in the will. When he entered the company, it is said that the corporation was going through some tough times, and that the economic crisis had worsened their grip on the oil industry. Along with this, a constant burden to them was the tram system they had to keep running in Voorlem. The first order of business that young Brandon did, was to cut off all non-essential spending. He began a widespread corporation change, that involved selling off the infrastructure assets to be municipally owned, ceasing donation of charity to assets, and the selling of the Voorlem Railway, Light & Power Company, which handled all electricity assets in the city of Voorlem.

This was shockingly done because it had been operating at a financial deficit for years, and Aldrecht had previously only kept it going for charitable reasons. Centralizing assets, he raised prices of the energy bills in order to keep the company running, and also began opening up more plants in foreign countries. However, as the financial crisis was loosening, and the economy was slowly but surely recovering, it was discovered that the KITE Corporation was still losing monetary funds. Among one of the more shocking discoveries, was that one of the plants in Dokmuiden was condemned due to multiple safety violations.

Brandon Visser however, didn't mind, and instead used some not-so good methods to bribe the board. Of which, failed utterly as it was subsequently released to the public. The worst was yet to come though...

Disaster (1940s)

When the Third Reich invaded the Netherlands in the 10th of May, 1940, all Brandon Visser said was, "huh, looks like we're under new management.". It only took five days for the German Army to take the country, but in those five days, some of the KITE Corporation's industries were blown to smitherines. Adding salt to the wound, the recent blockade meant that the KITE Corporation couldn't trade with the rest of the world, and import as well as export their materials.

Under the Reich's rule, the corporation was practically taken over by the government. Brandon Visser evaded the mandatory conscription by purposely bribing officials, who took the money but still came after him. The Corporation was now split into two entities, a body inside of the putrid Empire, and a unsteady body outside. During war-time, the one that Visser controlled was rapidly losing money, combined with the constant bombing of plants. With the explosion of many of the plants (see the Great Dokmuiden Explosion of 1943). This is when the Corporation was shut down, and the only notable thing that Brandon Visser has ever done.

Angered at the Management, Visser evacuated his office, and set fire to it. Burning hundreds of records, he fled the Netherlands for Britain. Abandoning his post and leaving the other staff of the Corporation to manage without him, he made it to Liverpool where he set up a new headquarters. The headquarters was bombed by the Germany planes. Along with this, the British government took control of what was left of the KITE Corporation, to help aid in the war effort.

For three years not much is known, besides the fact that Brandon Visser attempted to restart his corporation, and apply for himself to gain the control again. Over 78% of the KITE Corporation's factories, were either blown up by Armies, or by Resistance. Visser, however still remained a millionaire, living off the backs of his employees.

Insecurity (Late 1940s)

When World War 2 ended, and the gas rationing ended, the KITE Corporation was left in a kerfuffle. Brandon Visser, returning to the Netherlands found the European side of his Corporation in a mess. Wages were not being paid, and there were mass strikes and lay-out. Visser, still showing no interest had to reluctantly attempt to re-unite the corporation. Despite this, he is credited with being the mastermind behind the Reunification of the Corporation. The first, was the establishment of a new central headquarters, being at Dokmuiden.

Along with this, he poured some money from his own personal funds into the reconstruction of the port facilities that contained his chemical facilities. With money to rebuild gas-works and the chemical plants, as well as the reconstruction of the ruined off-shore chemical plants. The new plants were significantly improved, and Visser made sure to keep within the safety standards. He also replaced much of his staff, with new members in order to replace the already aging Advisory Cabinet. He also struck up a new deal with the national railway, to transport much of the chemicals and construction materials by rail.

The rail network was one of the first repaired, and much of the roads were still in horrible shape. The railroad also employed a lot of new workers for the KITE Corporation, a new source of income was found. It is at this time, that Brandon Visser began to leave the KITE Corporation to begin a time where he had a hands-off approach. During the after-war financial insecurity of the european economy, the KITE Corporation was again going through reorganization. The only thing that didn't change, was Brandon Visser as Owner.

The KITE Corporation survived through this, without laying-off many of employees. However, many employees and staff were getting disgruntled with how Brandon Visser was barely running the corporation. This is where we lead up to his demise.

Collapse (Late 1940s - Early 1950s)

Soon, even the Advisory Cabinet grew tired of Brandon's lack of interest and commitment to the KITE Corporation. In 1949, it was discovered in a bombshell leak that Brandon Visser had failed to pay various taxes and fines. It was also discovered that he was previously bribed members. This would be added to the bigger protest against corruption. On March 12th, 1949, a huge general strike brought the Northern European economy to a halt. Almost all of the workers of the KITE Corporation, went on strike and refused to work.

The Advisory Cabinet to Brandon Visser mostly took a leave. Brandon's source of income was suddenly interrupted, and he ordered the workers back to work. Knowing that he could not fire them, he called in the local authorities. Known as "Bloody Thursday", on the 13th of March, police was sent in. What resulted was a large and violent brawl. Expecting the workers to go back to work, Brandon's plan backfired as it brought more public outcry. By March 14th, Brandon was frantically trying to appease the workers back to work, by stating the inclusion of pay-raises.

The workers instead, wanted Brandon Visser to be replaced with Emil E. Emilsson (a genuine name), a known political activist of the KITE Corporation. Brandon Visser, attempted to stop this by attempting to bribe authorities for Emil to be arrested. However, those bribed took the money and released the information to the public. Knowing that his time was done, Brandon took a large amount of money from his Voolersburg Estate, and attempted to flee by car. He was caught attempting to board at Rossum, and was subsequently jailed.

Tried for various counts of bribery, fraud, and other horrible things, Brandon Visser was sentenced to three years of jail-time, with probation. This probation was a hope that Brandon would attempt to start a new life. In return, Emil Emilsson would become the owner of the Corporation. All of Brandon's Money would go to a pay-raise to all the workers.

Redemption (1950s)

He was sent to prison near Helmelo. On probation, he attempted to make a life as a hired hand. Working as a contractor, he tried to find work and learn new trades. He had a fairly okay business, and the few amounts of money that he gained went to his future bank account. However, he often lost his temper at things and walked off the job.

However, his life was troubled. Eventually, rumor got around about how touchy he was, and he eventually lacked work. As an investigation continued, Visser had to endure through this. Falling through severe depression, he could not find the motivation to work. After months, Visser was found guilty. It was ruled that he could never return to work at the KITE Corporation. This was widely distributed, and soon the name of Brandon Visser became a laughing-stock. Constantly ridiculed and mocked, on the last day of his jail, he pleaded with the Warden to keep him. They would not. When released, he tried to find bedding and food, however barely any inn would keep him.

Roaming around, he tried to find work. Finding odd jobs by delivering newspapers, being a salesman at one point, and even a baker, these jobs would soon give him up later. He was caught train-hopping multiple times, and convicted. He served many days in prison, but was always let out. It is unknown when he found his home in the abandoned Walterskaanal Station, but he served out his days in the attic of the building. Relying on a small farm he made, and some work that would pop up, Brandon Visser was now dirt poor.

Brandon Visser relies solely on the pity donations that he accquires outside of the station. In an interview in 1952 he said, "I like this home. It's very nice. It's a shame I made poor decisions.". Surrounding himself with pumpkins as friends, let this be known: Let us never repeat the mistakes of the past.

The Future

The KITE Corporation operates now under new management, and is considered one of the richest corporations in the entirety of the Netherlands. With much money donated to Charity, Emil Emilsson is taking after Aldrecht Visser's previous approach.

Currently, it employs the most amount of people in the Streamlined Region, and is intending to expand beyond. It has plants in Dokmuiden and Helmelo, and has it's own shipping line. Meanwhile, Brandon Visser sits in the old empty station-building... patiently waiting... contempt with life and all around him.

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