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Saint Drol the Bugslayer

From Official Streamlined Wiki

Local Folklore & Legend

The statue of Saint Drol the Bugslayer, by Dokmuiden. Forever memorialized is he, for his daring exploits.

The Legend of Saint Drol The Bugslayer

At the side of the Dokmuiden Regional Station, there lies a copper statue of Saint Drol the Bug-Slayer. The writer [Cambridge] has combed through archives of the University of Voorlem, with help from Clock, we have pieced together a detailed recollection of the Legend of Saint Drol the Bugslayer.

Sometime in the 14th century, King William of Voorlem had seeked the help of a Wizard, to help spare his son and family from the Disease. The wizard of the Hills reluctantly helped, but for a price. The Wizard would have to be rewarded a rank among the Monarchy, and a great sum of money. King William thought the Wizard foolish, and erroneously promised. Then, like magic, the son, and the family were all spared from disease.

Yet, when the Wizard asked for his rank and sum of money, the King scoffed at the man, and left. Ridden with anger, the Wizard cursed the two, and all of the bloodline to a wretched curse in which they, and their kingdom will be assaulted by his armies of insects. The King realized his mistake, and attempted to plea to the Wizard, who only responded by banishing him away. In panic and fear, King William called upon a young knight of which he knew well: The Saint Drol of Peperga.

Famed for his exploits in England, Belgium, and the Holy Roman Empire. King William told the young Saint, and knight to gather up a round of troops, and to fight the Wizard and the Bugs. The Saint, knowing that he was more than capable, said "I shan't need no army, nor a calvary. I shall take him on, with only one but my spear, armor, and horse!".

And so forth, the game was afoot... as wave after wave of bugs pounded against him, he singlehandedly deflected their assaults with swings of his spear, and pounds of his feet. The attacks were more intense, but eventually he was victorious. The wizard pleaded for mercy, but Drol simply stabbed him.(edited)

It is said that the shrieks of the wizard were heard all the way to the Gaels, and the sky turned from a misty gray, to a light blue. Saint Drol hauled the body of the Wizard back to Voorlem, of which he threw it down on the King's throne. When the King was pleased, Drol wanted a sum of money that they had secretly agreed on. Instead, King William refused and told him that his bedding and food was enough.

Angered, the Saint Drol killed the King and Queen on their throne, and usurped their power. Becoming the King, he brought a reign of prosperity for the Kingdom, before his eventual death by the Bubonic Plague that ravaged the region. Forever, he is memorialized as Saint Drol the Bugslayer, as generations has passed down his legendary tale.

Now, the statue of Saint Drol the Bugslayer lies in Dokmuiden, having been moved from it's original place in Voorlem.

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