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Doornenburg Castle

From Official Streamlined Wiki



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   <default>Doornenburg Castle</default>
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</image> <label>Streamlined location</label> <label>Real life location</label> <label>Built in</label> <label>Function</label> </infobox> Doornenburg castle is a landmark located at Kesteren, based on 'Kasteel Doornenburg'.


In the 9th century, someone build a strong house on flat lands to see enemies coming from afar and close to a river to be able to get away swiftly. The house, big and reinforced, was named Villa Dorenburc. Through the centuries, its inhabitants kept improving on the house. And so, by the 13th century, Villa Dorenburc had turned into a modest castle. In the 14th century the modest castle was replaced by a strong fortified tower. In the 15th century, the tower recieved an outer bailey, creating what we now know as Doornenburg Castle. This outer bailey was fitted with living quarters, a chapel and a farm. Doornenburg is the only preserved castle with a farm within the castle walls.

The castle remained owned by rich or influential families up, whom lived in it until the first World War, during which it was abandoned as the family fled to countries further away from the frontlines. Despite the lack of ownership, the castle was kept at a low level of maintenance as people seeking shelter within the walls. During the interbellum, the family who owned it sold the castle to the township as they didn't want to spend more money on maintaining it.

Though Kesteren's region was bombarded during World War II, Kesteren's industries and railway bridge were prime targets and as such Doornenburg sustained very little damage in the war's duration.

Doornenburg castle played a large role in the creation of Kesteren, which was started by people who enjoyed the possibility of being able to seek shelter within the castle's walls.

Real life

The real Doornenburg castle

Positioned on the southern side of Dutch province Gelderland, Doornenburg castle started out in the 9th century as a reinforced house under the name of Villa Dorenburc. In the 13th century, Villa Dorenburc was turned into a modest castle. A proper main castle was build with in a century later. In the next century, the 15th, the castle recieved an outer bailey with living quarters, a chapel and a farm. Although other preserved castles in the Netherlands have living quarters and chapels, Doornenburg is the only one to have farm within its walls.

People have been living in the castle up until the 19th century, after which it fell into disrepair. To preserve this bit of Dutch history, Stichting tot Behoud van den Doornenburg (Foundation for Preservation of the Doornenburg) was created in 1936. They started restoring the castle in 1937, finishing the process in 1941. However proud they might have been, their work quickly became undone in March, 1945, when the British bombarded the area. Despite this, restoration efforts started again in 1947. This time the process finished in 1968.


  • Doornenburg Castle appeared in the 1969 Dutch television show Floris
    • Jiskpirate, who put Doornenburg Castle in Streamlined, choose it for this very reason
    • Floris was also filmed in Hernen Castle, which is also in Streamlined

Additional links

Doornenburg Wikipedia

Floris Wikipedia

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