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Guide:Consist Creator

From Official Streamlined Wiki

The consist creator forms the centre of Streamlined's gameplay and allows for trains to be put together and a route to be selected. It can be opened with the steam locomotive button in the top right.

The consist creator button
The consist creator with an NS 4500 selected.

Creating a train

Choosing a locomotive

The first thing to do in the consist creator is to pick a locomotive or multiple-unit to form the basis of your train. Only two parts matter for this: the categories and locomotive selection.


The categories divide the available locomotives and multiple-units on fuel type. The consist creator defaults to the steam category. Streamlined currently has three categories: Steam, Diesel & DMU. The Steam category contains all steam-powered locomotives whilst the Diesel category contains locomotives powered by diesel or petrol. The DMU stands for 'Diesel Multiple-Unit' which contains all diesel multiple-units.

Locomotive selection

The locomotive selection at the bottom of the screen allows you to pick which locomotive or multiple-unit from that category you want. The list can be moved by scrolling (PC), swiping (tablets) or using the scroll bar underneath. Additionally, the button left allows players to filter by what type of trains can be pulled (locomotives) or by comfort rating (multiple-units). Purchased locomotives will appear on the right.

Two unpurchased locomotives. Only the NS 3400's unlock level has been reached.

Unpurchased locomotives have an 'unlock level'. Every level the player is below this level will make the locomotive more expensive. If this level has not yet been reached, the selection will show how much the locomotive currently costs, how much it will be at the unlock level and at when that unlock level is. Purchased locomotives will display what type of trains and how much weight they can pull. Unlocked multiple-units will display how many passengers they can transport instead.

When selecting a locomotive, it will appear on the turntable and the infobox on the right will display additional information. If no model appears, a livery from the 'Liveries' section has to be selected. When the selection has been made, pressing the big green button will allow the player to select their wagons.

When selecting a multiple-unit, it will appear on the train tracks and the infobox will provide additional information. If no multiple-unit appears, a livery has to be selected. After one has been picked, the available selection will shrink down to only show multiple-units that are compatible for driving together. When a choice has been made, pressing the big green button will allow the player to pick a route.

Choosing wagons & coaches

After the locomotive has been chosen, a similar screen appears. The category selection at the top will feature categories based on what type of trains the locomotive can pull. Passenger locomotives will only get the Passengers and Special categories, Freight locomotives will not have the passenger category, but all freight categories instead and mixed locomotives will have all categories. Shunters will have access to the General goods and Chemicals categories.


Freight wagons can only be picked from a single category; different categories cannot be mixed with the exception of Special freight wagons. Whether a special wagon is for freight or passenger trains can be checked in the in-game infobox or here on the wiki. Within any category, wagons can be mixed around so long as the chosen locomotive's capacity nor the length limit are exceeded. If no model appears, a livery from the 'Liveries' section has to be selected.

The amount of freight transported plays a large role in how much rewards are earned. The entire formula is as follows: Route Value × Amount of freight × Special bonus × Level bonus = Basic reward

The route value is a value assigned to each route and is generally higher for longer routes. The amount of freight directly corresponds to how many tonnes, litres (chemicals) or cars (vehicles) are present on the train. The special bonus comes from the Special wagon and the level bonus increases with each level up to 100. The basic reward this gives is then used to calculate the stopping accuracy and signal bonusses, which are discussed in-depth on the Currency page.


Coaches, or passenger wagons, can be mixed with Special passenger wagons. Whether a special wagon is for freight or passenger trains can be checked in the in-game infobox or here on the wiki. Coaches can be added into a train so long as the chosen locomotive's capacity nor the length limit are exceeded. Additionally, each Passenger and Mixed locomotive has limits on how many First and Second class coaches can be pulled.

The amount of passengers transported plays a large role in how much rewards are earned. The formula is as follows: Route Value × Effective capacity × Special bonus × Level bonus = Basic reward

The route value is a value assigned to each route and is generally higher for longer routes. The effective capacity means the amount of passengers that are transported after the multiplications of class and comfort rating have been applied. The special bonus comes from the Special wagon and the level bonus increases with each level up to 100. The basic reward this gives is then used to calculate the stopping accuracy and signal bonusses, which are discussed in-depth on the Currency page.


Picking wagons for shunting works the same as for freight, except that the freight categories are limited and no Special wagon can be chosen.

Choosing a multiple-unit

Picking a route

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